Friday 11th December 2020 Day 262
I remembered as I was heading for bed at midnight last night, that I hadn’t put the dustbin out, that was when I discovered that I couldn’t find my house keys. It’s a sinking feeling isn’t it? Not in the obvious place, not in the coat pocket, not in the second obvious place and so on and then trying to retrace steps and when you last saw them. I left the door on the latch and foraged about in the dark for the dustbin. Then the key searching in earnest, I knew they were at home but I had to find them before going to bed. Extraordinary the places you look, I even looked in the fridge at one point; there was a lot of grumbling as I searched. Eventually I decided in desperation to go and look outside, opened the back door and there they were lying on the ground outside, positively gleaming at me in the lamp light. I ended up going to bed at 1.00.
9.45 I have finally got around to writing my Christmas cards, why am I so disorganised this year? It is all going to be very simple and yards less work as I do not have family coming for Christmas and stay over as I normally do. Usually by this time I am pretty much up to date with everything. I suppose it is the lack of necessary impetous. As I look through my address book, I realise just how many people I have neither seen or been in contact with this year. I think we have all just knuckled down and got on with our own lives so for this year a Christmas card means so much more.
I have been asked by a friend if I would like to go abroad somewhere next year with her, all things being equal so I am thinking about sunshine and warm sea and just getting away, whether or not it happens is immaterial right now because it’s just such a nice thing to think about.
11.00 I see the weather forecast has got it wrong again, it isn’t raining, in fact there is a bit of bright sky and it is definitely a bit warmer. We set off for a nice walk, then two hundred yards into the walk, the heavens open and it stair rods down on us, luckily I am wearing wet weather gear but even so my jeans get a good soaking. For a moment I think I see a lot of primroses way ahead of us by a fallen mossy tree trunk but as we get close I see it is in fact a very pretty yellowy fungi which looks as if it has been placed all round the tree trunk with a lot of decorative thought.
Tonight we have the Santorini Christmas meet up, virtually of course as we live all over the country, there will be cocktails and Christmas dressing up and I am quite certain a good deal of laughter!