A Quick Trip to NZ

Posted on March 25, 2021Comments Off on A Quick Trip to NZ

Thursday 25th March 2021 Day 366

7.15  There is nothing quite like waking to sunshine streaming through the windows and this morning is just that, it even looks warm out there.

It’s been a very up and down week, both the weather and the mood.  I think the anniversary of the virus hitting hard enough to cause lockdowns has caused a lot of people to feel a bit low and although things are set to free up a bit, there is no guarantee that we are coming out of this mire any time soon.  Thank goodness for the vaccinations at least, having the jab hasn’t meant a new freedom exactly but it’s done a lot towards getting a bit of confidence back.

One of the more unpleasant sides of age catching up with me, is that I think I have fallen or tripped over more times in the past year than I probably have done in the last forty years! The weather was so lovely the other day, I decided to get on with replacing the wooden border on one of my front flower beds. I tied Audrey up on the drive so she could snooze in the sunshine and then managed to trip over the

rope giving myself a rather large knee and very painful ribs and that was the end of my industrious day in the garden.  So frustrating, especially as there is so much to prepare in the garden at this time of year.

8.30  Breakfast and a read of the diary I found the other day that I wrote as we toured New Zealand from top to bottom in 2008.  The most magical adventure I’ve ever had.  The diary is meticulous. I have often wondered why I have felt so compelled to write down every detail when I go to somewhere new and now I know, because I have been completely transported back to that time when we travelled from the Bay of Islands in the far North of North Island, to Milford Sound in the far South of South Island.  Memories have come flooding back of all sorts of things that I had completely forgotten and I am reading it slowly bit by bit as I want to savour the journey.  We both said at the time that had we seen the country when we were young, we would have been very tempted to live there.

The other thing I found while happening on the travel diary, was a video taken in Christchurch, South Island, of the whole circular journey around the city by tram with the most hilarious ticket collector acting as tour guide.  All that went of course a couple of years after our trip, with the dreadful earthquakes, along with the Cathedral and the beautiful Government buildings where we spent our last few nights in a converted apartment.

11.00  I meet Wendy near Fairwarp and we go for what was supposed to be a short walk on the Forest but surprise, surprise, we managed to lose our way once again and two hours later we found our path back. No complaints from Audrey!

The day started off bright but sadly that didn’t last so my intentions of trying to do a few bits in the garden came to nothing and my desire for something sweet lead me to making some brownies instead.

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