Times are a’Changin’

Posted on April 14, 2021Comments Off on Times are a’Changin’

(written yesterday)

7.30   Blue cloudless sky, lots of sunshine and a little warmer today and second day of a little more freedom.  All very welcome indeed.  This time last year it was so hot that the paddling pools came out and garden furniture uncovered for the summer but after all the freezing and grey weather we have had this year, I’ll make do with 7 degrees and sunshine.

I have just ‘celebrated’? my second birthday in lock down a few days ago and probably saw more people in one day than I have for the past year!  Very nice and a feeling of a little normality creeping back which is even nicer.

Like many, I have accumulated a good pile of stuff for the charity shops and have just heard on the radio,

as I guessed, that the shops are being completely engulfed with new stock to the point where they are going to have to turn people away for a bit.  So much held back for such a long time that now the pubs are swamped, holiday deals snapped up and a surge of shoppers hitting the towns, lovely for people to be getting out again but such a much bigger relief for pub and shop owners.

My daughter and son-in-law kindly came down with me to Bracklesham Bay area to collect my caravan and bring it back to the house to be cleaned thoroughly inside and out and various bits and pieces mended, such as pumps and heater.  I have decided to make good use of it this year so I want it to be in good condition. Considering I haven’t been near it for nearly a year it is in surprisingly good condition and no sign of damp even though the gale force winds tore the back window half off.

But of course the big big news this week is that I had my hair cut on Monday. How uplifting that was I feel almost human again. No more peeping round the curtains of my fringe!  I drove over the Ashdown Forest to East Grinstead for this momentous moment, the yellow gorse is all coming out, the car parks were full and the ice cream van is back where it normally sits all year round. So much more hope on our second coming out of lock down but I think we are all holding our breath a little.

11.00  The sun is dipping a bit so walkies time, in case the weather is changing.  The primroses are in abundance in the woods and the mud has dried up thank goodness

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