Audrey’s ready for a Holiday

Posted on April 28, 2021Comments Off on Audrey’s ready for a Holiday

8.00    Today marks three hundred and fifty days since I first started writing this diary and more than 121,500 words to date, how time flies!   

It looks a bit grey out there today and rain is expected later, not much though; we certainly need it for the garden after this long dry spell.  I just wish it would warm up a bit, for all the sunshine we’ve had, there has been a very Arctic-like chill breeze.

Whilst the news is good for us on the Covid front, the reports from India of the huge surge of the disease, is just awful, to be honest I have stopped listening to the news for the moment, it’s so heart breaking. And what of Brazil? A couple of weeks ago we were hearing how Brazil is out of control too but now in the light of the Indian crisis, we don’t seem to

hear about it so much.

The caravan is now clean inside and out and next I must get the flat tyre sorted.  I am currently enticing my son-in-law to come and fix a couple of things inside the van, by inviting the family to a roast lunch on Bank Holiday Monday on a ‘food for fixing’ basis!

It was his birthday yesterday and I went over in the afternoon for tea and cake.  I always take Audrey with me when I go over to their house and this time she was acting a bit strangely.  We found her at one point making little squeaky crying noises by Blue’s (the departed chicken) cage.  My daughter lifted the cover to show her the cage was empty, Audrey stood for a while sniffing at the cage, she was obviously wondering where Blue was.  I believe it is important for dogs and probably other animals to be able to see the departed body of an animal they were close to and even a human, as in a friend of mine’s case whose two whippets were brought to her bedside in a distressed state and then with the realisation of what happened, both calmed down.  I was still a little surprised that Audrey would have been so upset over a chicken that she had only met a handful of times.

While sitting here typing this, Worry has been in and out of the back door, via the cat flap, about half a dozen times; she goes out and gets pretty wet and then comes back in, up onto the desk and walks backwards and forwards across the keyboard right in front of me, hoping I will notice her which oddly enough I do! Not the least of why is because she has managed to type a lot of gobbledygook on the way!  The reason for this rude barging in, is because she loves a good old rough rub down with the towel to get her dry, after which, straight out the door again and back in five minutes to repeat the whole performance once again.  Who’d have animals?!

Getting back to normal is being a very gradual process for me, I think part of me doesn’t really want to and part of me can’t wait.  What I don’t want to see on my calendar now, is every week filled up with social events, just one or two a week will do and I’m not bursting to rush off on holiday, although Audrey is ready packed and waiting! In fact I have enjoyed reliving previous great holidays in my mind.  It’s funny how the mind readjusts to situations, good or bad.

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