Monday 20th July 2020 Day 118
7.45 Usual thing, awake on and off and then the deep sleep just after I have decided to get up. Why do I feel so guilty if I’m not up at seven? No one else either knows nor cares!
Well that’s not strictly true, one cat is staring at me and probably has been since seven and one dog will be getting fidgety, pity she can’t learn how to put the kettle on.
It’s been an up and down sort of weekend, along with the weather, which was beautiful on Saturday and cloudy, grey and a bit rainy on Sunday.
Friday night was the visit to the Depot in Lewes to meet up with writer friends. We had to sit inside for a time because one of our number has a bad back and needed the support of a proper chair, this wasn’t too bad as the floor to ceiling glass windows were open. Another of our number who has a tiny chihuahua, had to smuggle in the dog in her dog carrying basket.
I started off feeling a bit uncomfortable and unsure as I do every time I find myself in a situation for the first time since lockdown but it was such a hilarious and warm evening that by the end of it I had relaxed a lot. No talk of writing, which we always mean to do when we get together but rarely happens. A couple of the chaps in the group are finding life difficult with work problems but we all left our worries and problems at the door which has to be a good thing.
On Saturday evening early, I got a call from one of my daughters, who was going on a boat race with her kids. ‘Would I like to make two paper boats and join them?’ This I did and met up with them on the bridge of a local stream. We dropped our boats in over the wall, watched them for a while and then raced round to the next bridge in the hopes of seeing them appear. Of course they never did because they probably got caught in tangles of weeds long before they got there but it was fun watching them drift off around the first bend and the kids loved it.
14.05 So, today is whipping by with little excitement but after my mood going down with the weather yesterday, at least we have fluffy clouds and blue sky and I have mowed the lawn, zoomed in to slimming group and admitted that my grey mood day plus eating things I shouldn’t for comfort sake, equalled putting on half a pound. Oh well, I’ve been good today… far.
We walked in the woods afterwards, Sarah, Janet and I because they were cutting the hay in the fields and we didn’t want to become part of a hay bale! Audrey went paddling in the stream with a collie she met up with and lost the ball but this time didn’t appear with another, no doubt she will find it next time.