New Hay Old Oasts

Posted on July 21, 2020Comments Off on New Hay Old Oasts

Tuesday 21st July 2020 Day 119

5.20   The familiar 5.20 when I first wake up every morning lately but this morning no chance of going back to sleep.  I am feeling very hot and bothered and immediately decide it must be Covid 19 until five minutes later when I realise I was just feeling very hot until I push away one of the covers and cool down straight away.  It just goes to show how much it is in our minds all the time, even when we think it’s not.

I had someone make fun of me the other day because when they walked right into my space I backed away and mentioned that they were too close, at which point she turned to someone else and mocked me over it, in a funny way I suppose but nevertheless it brought home to me that we all have such different perspectives and should all be allowed to follow our own approaches to this virus without being judged.

I very much appreciate on a daily basis, how lucky I am to be living in such lovely countryside, the real heart of East Sussex.  On our evening walk the other night to race the paper boats, we walked past a pair of tubby oast houses, tucked away in a lane, so evocative of their time just quietly standing there through so many years of good and bad times.

9.30  I sweep the patio and put up the umbrella and generally titivate.  Jackie, who I haven’t seen for so long is driving over for coffee.

10.30  Jackie arrives and the sun goes in but it’s pleasant enough to sit outside where we spend a couple of hours catching up, drinking cups of coffee and eating chocolate biscuits; oh well I’ll be good tomorrow.  Jackie has been test driving cars as she is looking to by a new one and was told yesterday that she may not test drive the Seat car she was interested in.

because she is over seventy! Perhaps that particular Dealer needs to come up to date a bit and of course lost the very likely sale of a car.

12.30  Jackie has left and I take Audrey for a quick circuit because I am going to Janet’s house with Sarah and Yvonne for a dip in her pool later.  After that our little group of six ‘Local Ladies’ are going up to the newly cut hay fields with chairs, wine and nibbles, to spend a couple of hours before the sun goes down.

No choir practice today which is probably just as well as there seems to be too much to fit in on one day.

2.30  Sarah Yvonne and I walk up to the house where we are met in the garden by Janet and we spend a pleasant hour pool side before taking the plunge and playing on the lilos and big rubber rings like a group of teenagers.  I doubt we will ever grow up when it comes to fun and why should we?

17.15  Back home to water the plants, feed the animals and collect drink and crisps.

18.00  The three of us set off for the fields again, this time with an incredulous Audrey, who is delighted to be going on a second walk.

Pat Julie and Janet are already set up in their chairs by the row of trees.  It is a beautiful and warm evening and the smell of the mown hay on the ground is intoxicating along with a couple of glasses of wine of course and much hilarity.

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