The house in the woods and unsynched singing

Posted on July 28, 2020Comments Off on The house in the woods and unsynched singing

Tuesday 28th July 2020 Day 126

7.00  Looks pretty windy out there but sunshine and blue skies between the clouds so that’s ok.  I think I’ll get up now.

10.00   I meet up with my friend with the two dogs.  One of them is very pleased to see us and does a lot of squeaking which seems to be his idea of a bark.  The other dog is more elderly and likes to keep himself to himself.  He also wanders off quite a bit or hangs back so we either have to wait for him or search for him, he’s a bit partial to a rabbit hole.

There is a new notice on the gate asking us not to let our dogs go more than two metres away from us in order to preserve the wild life in the field.  As I mentioned in an earlier diary entry , this field where another notice tells us to keep our dogs on leads in order to preserve the ground nesting birds, has now had all the hay collected in and for the moment resembles a mowed lawn, so I don’t think a wandering dog is so likely to cause a whole lot of trouble for ground nesting birds, at least not as much as the hay cutter.

13.00  Choir time and we try a song with our screens unmuted.  It’s hilarious with the staggered times and doesn’t work at all, so we have to go back to muting.  Hopefully in time someone will come up with a way to synchronise zoom type meetings, you do feel a bit silly singing to yourself.  Once we all know our parts, we then sing them into an audio app and then all the parts are magically put together and sound great.

Later I am going to see my friends, Chris and Sylvia in their Hansel and Gretel house in the middle of the woods and I hope I will see some of their new charges, fawns whose mothers have come to grief, stepping in the way of motor vehicles or getting caught in barbed wire.  Chris has the most wonderful way with these youngsters, both he and his wife Sylvia have devoted themselves to this huge and often dangerous task. Several deer, over the years, have chosen to remain in and around the garden.  For several years there was also a resident fox.  My friends have to be pragmatic about this of course, or they couldn’t do the job.  I on the other hand, look at them and just think of Bambi.

16.00 I wander down the garden, cup of tea in hand and am joined, unusually by both of my black four footed friends.  Worry has at long last realised she doesn’t have to fear for her life in the company of Audrey who frankly pays her little heed. Yesterday I took her into one of my daughters’ house.  I used the back gate and completely forgot that there were two elderly chickens wandering freely in the garden, Audrey went up to them, gave them a bit of a sniff and walked off.

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