Old thatch, New Hobbies

Posted on August 4, 2020Comments Off on Old thatch, New Hobbies

Tuesday 4th August 2020 Day 133

6.15   I’ve been lying here thinking about having a second attempt at clipping Audrey with the new clippers I got from you know where. I have to say the first attempt was pretty pathetic and quite difficult as she insisted in walking round and round in circles as I tried to clip.  I have also been wondering why I didn’t look up how to do it properly on Google instead of going at it like a bull in a china shop, at least Sarah and Janet didn’t notice she’d had a raggy shave yesterday.

8.30  I am sculling around doing the housework so I am finished for when my grandson arrives at half past nine.  I am going to look after him for a few hours today.  My granddaughter has a little Saturday job and is anxious to go and buy new clothes.  I probably won’t have to entertain him much as he will be full of ideas of stuff we could do and he will talk nineteen to the dozen about every subject under the sun but especially the current craze of Minecraft about which I know nothing at the moment but if I listen, will be an expert by the end of the day.

9.00  I pop outside for something and see to my horror that I left my computer, a house phone and a pile of notes outside on the table. The papers are wet with dew and the computer is damp also.  Mercifully it is still working.  Thank goodness it didn’t rain last night.

Over the weekend I discovered two new hobbies, both to do with water and anything to do with water makes my ears prick up.  The first was when I was looking for suitable Pooh sticks streams.  It’s a good excuse to have a mooch around

the countryside. This weekend I discovered Wadhurst, not too many miles up the road but lovely countryside I’ve never seen before and some delightful buildings.  I was standing by a little road bridge near Burwash, the other day, when two men drove up, parked and put on salmon fishing type waders up to the chest but appeared to have no other equipment with them at all.  I don’t know much about fishing but there certainly weren’t going to be any salmon in that shallow stream and the water would probably only come up to their ankles, so curiosity overtook me and I went and asked what they were doing.  Apparently they walk streams, through all the overgrowth and open bits all over Sussex and they are totally hooked and see country that no one else gets close enough to see

The second thing which I just caught a bit of on a radio programme, is magnet fishing. Literally that, you lower a big heavy magnet into the water, mostly in rivers and see what you haul out. Sort of metal detecting under water.  Sounds fun to me, perhaps I could drag one behind me in my kayak!  I mentioned this hobby to my son who is a keen detectorist and of course he knew all about it already.  He lives part of his time in Hackney and suggested that the haul around there might consist of guns and knives!

16.30  After a lovely day with my grandson, walking the dog, making model boats, playing cards and French cricket, my daughter and granddaughter arrive.  My granddaughter eager to show me her new clothes and wearing a very pretty pink denim dress which looks so lovely on her.

After they depart I turn my attention to getting my kayak into the car, it’s a tight fit but it fits.

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