Fairies at the bottom of my Garden

Tuesday 11th August 2020 Day 140

6.30   I actually slept quite well and was in bed by midnight.  Worry is sprawled on the floor, quick breathing in the heat already poor thing.  At least I can give Audrey a hose down every so often.  I don’t think it would be appreciated by Worry somehow.

Last night I headed off for the coast at around six and met some of the family down there.  The water was much easier to get in to, actually quite pleasant.  The children and my daughter got in pretty quickly and I remembered when I used to get straight in but that was a very long time ago and now I am one of those people who get in very gingerly, touching the cold water to my arms etc; just like the people I used to laugh about when I dived straight in!

It was very much cooler on the coast and there was a mist over the sea with a rainbow and a surprising amount of people still there or just coming for the evening but plenty of room for all not to get too close.  We had a hastily thrown together picnic and it was only when I came to get out of my wet swimsuit that I

realised I had brought no underwear with me so I had to put up with the wet!  It was dark when I got home and I still had to water the wilting plants. 

In the semi dark and with the help of a torch, I went to turn on the tap for the hose and noticed something floating gently in front of me and as I looked I realised that what I was seeing was a fairy, (Before you grab for the straight jackets bear with me on this!)  What it actually was I realised, must have been something like a lacewing but somehow in that particular light and the angle I saw it from, it took on the form of a tiny flying fairy like the ones we used to see in books.  I would love to think that that was what someone saw a long long time ago and then went and drew what we all think of as a ‘faery’……..and it was at the bottom of my garden where you find fairies.

13.15   After a very busy morning of things that had to be done outside, I am back in the cool of my kitchen. The pond filter system had gone down to a trickle.  It is touch and go with the fish at the moment in their hot pond and lack of oxygen but they seem to be doing ok so far, apart from the one who jumped out the other day.  I am now back indoors with a huge pile of runner beans which will need to be blanched and put in the freezer.  Some I give away but I am still left with ten times more than I need.  Thank you, Carole, for the plants, they’ve been abundant!

I am expecting the wasp man to arrive tomorrow morning to deal with the wasps’ nest just above my kitchen.  As I write this, sitting at the kitchen table, they keep appearing through the window and door.  I would let them ‘bee’ if they didn’t bother me and Audrey but they are persistent little whotsits!

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