Friday 28th August 2020 Day 157
6.50 I wake to sunshine and an April type shower, I opened the curtains at four o clock when Worry decided to wake me yet again, it’s nice waking to the curtains open but Worry will be sleeping elsewhere tonight, enough is enough.
7.45 The shower is over and the sun remains, it is a very pleasant morning but the forecast is for a very different afternoon of heavy rain and possible thunderstorms so I will make sure that all the outside jobs are done by lunchtime and if possible, I will get the lawn mown. First, I will have to get rid of all the mole hills at the bottom of the garden. I got the mole man in a couple of years ago but really, I can’t bear to do that, so somehow we will have to learn to exist together.
11.00 The mole hills are shovelled back onto the veg patch which is looking like a disaster zone after the wind and rain we have had. The runner bean plants are doing a Tower of Pisa impression and so much has gone to seed or been battered by the weather.
Next I am going to test the pond water to see if the condition of the water is anything to do with this constant jostling of the fish to get to the water inlet. I have bought a ph. testing kit and I dip one of the strips into a jar of the pond water and am delighted to see that it is just about perfect. The alkaline nitrates etc all turn to the colour they should be for perfect balance. The only conclusion I can come to is that I simply have too many large fish in the pond now so I will look to pass some on to other ponds.
12.10 Phone calls and other necessary things have meant that I haven’t got the mower out yet but the weather is still looking good
so far so we will go for our walk now. It is beginning to get a bit soggy on the paths through the woods and the dry stream beds now have a little water flowing through, I just hope it doesn’t become the quagmire it became last winter when we had so much rain.
13.30 My friend phones from Cornwall. The place is inundated with people from ‘up country’ and they have decided to batten down the hatches for this coming Bank Holiday weekend (Anyone north of the Tamar or even North Cornwall is from ‘up country’) She reckons it’s all the people who have had to cancel their foreign holidays and many of whom unfortunately, do not seem to have heard of the country code.