Thursday 26th November 2020 Day 247
7.00 A bell rings just as I am being wheeled off for my operation. It is my alarm of course and now I will never know what I was going to have surgery for, thank goodness it was only a dream but so real it takes me a little while to realise what is going on.
Last night a parcel arrived which turned out to be the new kitchen bin I had ordered online and was told would not arrive until the twelfth of January. I didn’t know what it was at first because of the enormous box I was presented with. I opened it and there was another large box, then another and another and piles and piles of scrunched up paper, until eventually I arrived at my bin. This packing business is madness and I am sure anyone could guess where it came from. The largest box I could have got inside
easily, that’s how big it was.
10.00 I am meeting Pat at Lake woods in Uckfield for a walk, so many different places I have walked this week that are close to home and I haven’t known before. This one is quite dramatic, the by-pass is close and noisy on one side but where we are is serenity, a large lake, wooded areas and huge rocks, some of which form caves, it was part of an estate belonging to the Streatfield family from 1789 and landscaped in the style of Capability Brown so there is a variety of trees including a Red wood. It is pretty boggy in places and the lake looks black and is obviously deceptively deeper than it appears to be as Audrey found out when she went for a paddle at the edge. It is a damp grey day today and trying to rain. I have noticed since the restrictions we are all having to face, that we arrange to go for walks or meet outside, with no thought to the weather at all now, whereas before we might have said let’s wait for a nicer day, now we just go whatever. It’s nice, it makes you more aware of the climate and fresh air.
11.10 We part company and I head for Chuck Hatch to deliver Ken his pasty which he is surprised and pleased to receive. The rain is persistent now and the grey sky, greyer and darker. At lunchtime we shall have more news on the COVID-19 Tier system and where we are about to be in it. Tier 1. Medium risk Tier 2. High risk and Tier 3. Very high risk. I am aware that you all know this as well but for the sake of this long running lock-down diary, I need to set it down.
It seems there are very few areas on the medium risk tier and we are high risk, this to begin from next Wednesday 2nd when the current one-month lockdown ceases. I find the rules on line and photograph them so I can refer to them as necessary but really it amounts pretty much to another
lockdown. And then for five days the rules relax to give us Christmas together before retreating back to Tier 2……….Erm?? It seems to me that the only consistent thing all the way through this year since March is that the rules have not been consistent.