Monday 9th November 2020 Day 230
6.00 I am wide awake so I am going to get up, get the boring stuff out of the way, i.e. housework and try to get on with some of the things I actually want to do today, like make green tomato chutney which I still haven’t done.
8.15 My groceries arrive and after I have put them away I have the whole day in front of me which is a nice feeling. The mild weather and the lovely sunshine on Saturday spurred me on to do gardening and hearing Yvonne’s mower chugging up and down her garden prompted me to mow mine. I don’t think I have ever mowed so late in the year but it was well worth it, even if only to get rid of the leaves on the lawn which make it look less wintery out there.
11. 00 One thing I do know is that I am getting the beady eye so it must be times for walkies! We didn’t go yesterday, just endless ball throwing and trying to avoid going over it with the mower each time Audrey dropped it in its path.
It is another bright day and so mild. When we get up into the meadow before the woods, we meet the man we met the other day with the black cocker spaniel pup. He lets the pup off the lead who of course heads straight for Audrey who once again is very loud and barky, so different from how she is with adult dogs, she looks smiley and her tail is wagging but the poor pup is getting constant reprimands from her when all he wants to do is play, although to be honest he takes little notice of the scoldings he’s getting. We head off into the woods as we have got chatting and the dogs are ok together. The streams are deeper now than in the summer and the puppy is very unsure about water and gets upset if his master steps into the stream but once he sees Audrey paddling up and down he throws himself in with a big belly flop which is hilarious to watch. We carry on walking and
part company at the gate. That is going to be one tired pup when he gets home, Now to pick up some kindling wood and look for chestnuts but I think I am a bit late for the chestnuts, there are not so many now and what there are have got water logged and going rotten.
Just as we reach home there is a shower, time to start on that chutney.