Thursday 14th January 2021 Day 296
11.30 There is something rather delicious about getting home and into warm dry clothes and grabbing a nice hot cup of coffee after going for a walk in the pouring rain and getting soaked through as I did this morning. It almost makes the discomfort beforehand worthwhile.
As we walked across the field we saw a huge herd of deer with one albino who stood facing us for sometime even while the rest of the herd began to disperse into the woods. I got as close as I could to take a picture but really needed my proper camera and the rain was like a curtain between us but it looked magnificent standing there, the one bright being in all the gloom
Audrey had the wind up her tail, charging about doing ‘silly running’ all over the place, even when we got home she was up and down the garden as if she still had a lot of pent up energy to expend, maybe she likes heavy rain because she is half poodle but it was hilarious to watch.
I see on my Covid-19 app that for the first time in weeks, there is a tiny down turn from the steep
ascending line that has been relentlessly on the way up. There is such a much greater nervousness in the air. Apart from the people we hear about in the news who hold two fingers up to this virus and go and have raves and get togethers, there are also those who are not so radical but nevertheless flout the rules a little. I was talking on the phone to a couple I know who are slightly alternative in their way of thinking and whilst being fairly good about the rules, haven’t shall we say stuck to them quite as well as some others and I was surprised to hear that they have now decided to isolate completely, so hopefully more people will be coming to realise the seriousness of the position we are in, I really hope so.
A nice fire I think tonight and find a good film to watch.