A Nice Surprise

Posted on January 13, 2021Comments Off on A Nice Surprise

Wednesday 13th January Day 295

9.20   I feel hungry this morning so a quick bowl of porridge before our slimming group meet up.  I don’t know where the time goes in the mornings, I was even up moderately early after not getting to bed until one last night.

9.30   We meet on What’s app and I have to bring my porridge with me with apologies.  We’re all doing ok, at least no one has put on which is good, me only by the skin of my teeth and last minute starvation, well when I say starvation, this actually meant I only had one of my Christmas truffles during the evening, instead of two or three.  Plus a bit of extra exercise yesterday afternoon when a delivery of logs arrived and I had to get them into my log store before the next lot of rain and I went at it like a bull in a china shop as it was a bit miserable out there.

Why is it that everyone else seems to be able to pack so much more into a day? There’s me just making it for half nine, breakfast in hand, only to find one of our number has even managed to do a full hours’ exercise plus all the other things she has to do in the morning.  The only exercise I managed was pushing the hoover back and forth trying to ‘mow’ my way through last night’s shedding of dog hair and putting away my washing.  Heaven knows where I used to find the time to meet

friends for coffee and lunch and go shopping!

12.00   Audrey and I are just back from a very damp walk, we are both soaking wet or at least she is and I have soaking wet knees where my coat dripped

15.00   It is so lovely when amongst all this gloom and doom and grey, something really nice happens.  I have just heard from my niece that the children’s book she has written has got through its next stage in the process and they really like it, only a few processes to go through now before publishing

The other lovely thing that happened yesterday was that one of my lovely local friends Julie left a little present on my doorstep, not for any particular reason it would seem, just a nice thought, a Tuesday present.  Julie has been learning the art of wood turning and judging from my present, has become very skilful at it, a beautifully carved candle holder that will sit in pride of place on my mantelpiece and make me smile each time I look at it.

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