A Pheasant came Travelling

Posted on December 7, 2020Comments Off on A Pheasant came Travelling

Monday 7th December 2020 Day 258

8.00   As usual on a Monday I am up early and ready to receive my groceries , fingers crossed they will arrive shortly, my slot being from eight to nine, as I want to get Audrey walked before the new Zoom writing workshop I am going to be joining for the first time this morning.  Apart from that I have run out of tea and nothing else does as a first drink of the day.

8.50   Groceries still haven’t arrived

8.59   Not that I am clock watching or anything!  The groceries finally arrive and all the wiping them over ritual begins, although I am not nearly so fastidious about it as I was at the beginning. As for the tea, it is too late and I have had a cup of coffee.  Such trifles have become so important these days.

9.45   We are just getting ready to go for our walk when I see out of the window that I have a visitor in my garden in the shape of a very fine looking cock pheasant who seems to be inspecting the pond. I think it wise not to let Audrey know as chasing pheasants seems to be one of her favourite sports, she would be delighted to see one in the garden but for all the wrong reasons.  After the pond inspection, taken at a very slow pace, the pheasant flies off down the garden.  We leave for our walk but we’re not going far today because it’s so blooming cold and miserable.  Yesterday we went for a very long walk, it was pretty chilly and we walked through a field where a farm machine was chucking a huge pile of dung over a field so not only was it cold but the lingering smell was pretty awful.

Today it is even colder so it’s going to be a quick circuit of the rec and a couple of other fields and we’re done.

11.00    There are four of us on zoom, the lady who has started it and her partner and a friend of mine who suggested it to me. It is so odd meeting people for the first time on line.  It doesn’t feel right somehow but it is all very friendly and enjoyable and the time goes by very quickly.

For some reason Worry decides this would be a good time to walk across the computer keys and jump onto my shoulders to walk back and forth.  Then the doorbell goes when someone is in the middle of reading her piece of writing and all hell is let loose as Worry flies off and Audrey barks her head off at the postman.  I can only apologise when peace is restored.

It was a good meeting and has rekindled in me, the desire to do some more writing, we are even given a homework although no pressure.

12.30  The workshop having finished I go to collect the post.  Now I have received some unexpected parcels over time, you may remember the mystery Chinese seeds that appeared in the Spring. However, today’s post surpasses this.  I open the packet which reveals a pack of six pairs of brightly coloured briefs for two to three year old girls.  Nothing to say where they have come from, no invoice or anything.  Now I know my memory is not what it was but I don’t even know any two to three year old girls, or boys for that matter and am quite certain I did not order them.  Very odd!

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