Monday 21st September 2020 Day 181
6.30 I was awake for quite a while in the night, probably because I forgot to take my ‘topper’ because the caravan beds are quite hard but I didn’t mind at all because I can look up through the big window in the roof and watch the stars and last night there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and I could make out the plough and the saucepan and the busy overhead world of satellites passing over.
I am getting up now because there is a surprising amount to do to put the caravan ‘back to bed’ and I doubt I will be using it again this summer although I will have to get it towed home for maintenance soon, especially to mend the shower which infuriatingly starts off merrily and then goes down to practically a drip. The loos and showers are not open currently due to Corona virus so we all have to use our caravan facilities.
The weather has been beautiful all weekend and this morning especially, I have been taking Audrey over to the other side of the field behind the stored caravans to stretch her legs etc first thing. There is a huge rookery there and the noise is tremendous, I haven’t seen a rookery of those dimensions for years. In the evenings they take to the air with gulls flying amongst them before they go to the trees to settle, it’s a lovely sight.
10.00 All packed up and the coffee is on. My talkative host has popped by and I have paid him. He was in a hurry to get somewhere this morning so I didn’t get the usual twenty-minute chat.
I have been to Selsey West beach, although I nearly gave up on it because I kept finding myself back at the Bunn Leisure Park entrance but eventually found a little road to park in by the coastguard station. We walked along the edge of the sea and Audrey discovered she has a taste for seaweed.
We went to Bosham where the high water was lapping up the road and it was packed with people who had parked up in the car park before they realised, as did I but after a while the water went down enough to paddle around to the green and we watched the boats for a while.
Yesterday we went to find a walk along the South Downs. We drove through the beautiful old part of Midhurst and down to the South Downs centre which was very very shut but as I turned to walk away, I saw a builder packing up his truck and he told me about a place called Harting where there are beautiful views. Even the drive to Harting was pretty and then into the village, forking left after the church with its green steeple then up a very steep windy hill to the car park at the top. The walk was amazing, the views fabulous, especially looking down on the village from high up. We passed a couple with a little black dog on the way. There was a cattle trough and the dog leapt up into it and swam like a seal, Audrey was very tempted to join her but resisted in the end fortunately, as there was a lot of green slime floating on the top.
14.30 I arrive home to a lovely greeting on the doorstep from Worry and I am delighted to see that Yvonne has kindly watered my flowers or I don’t think they would have made it in this hot weather. I go to switch the kettle on and realise there is no electricity, something has tripped a
switch in the fuse box and judging by the smell when I open the fridge and the completely defrosted freezer, it must have happened a couple of days ago. Everything had to go including a large block of yeast which when I got hold of it, burst through the wet paper cover all over the freezer and all over me.
I’m sure I will laugh about it one day………. It’s good to be home