Tuesday 15th December 2020 Day 266
9.20 Our little slimming group in ten minutes. I find if I have something organised for a particular time, I can really get on with all those routine boring jobs that have to be done every day, so much more quickly and today is no exception, I am hoovered dusted and cleared up.
After that it will be a walk and then heading off to Hastings to drop Christmas cards and presents, wearing my Santa hat of course. I can’t wait to see my niece and her little ones, off school now till after the Christmas holidays as they have Covid positive cases at school and Sara has to be particularly careful with her son Winston who suffers from Ataxia Telangiectasia. It will be a visit standing in her front garden talking to them at the front door but at least I will be clapping eyes on them for a little while.
For a long time Hastings had one of the fewest cases of Covid 19 in the country, now it has one of the highest rates, weird how it chops and changes and why this sudden wave of ‘Off the scale’ increase?
10.15 I walk up to the fields with Sarah and Janet and we are very exaggerated in our keeping distance much like we were at the beginning of all this. It is such a beautiful morning, sunny blue skies and actually quite warm and we do a couple of circuits of the three connected fields. It is unbelievable just what an effect the sun has on the mind. We are feeling quite buoyant in spite of the situation.
The decision I made a couple of weeks ago that I would not accept the offers of both of my daughters to come and spend Christmas day with them, I am sticking to; so whatever the Government decides to do after this sudden rise in cases, won’t mean changing any plans. Personally I don’t think it is worth it for the sake of one day. I have been so lucky always to have family and then grandchildren here so I am looking at this as a novelty just for one year and I have every intention of being totally selfish and doing exactly as I please for the day and of course I do have Worry and Audrey who I am sure will be very much in the festive spirit. 12.55 I arrive in Hastings and is so lovely to see the family, Sara in the doorway and me on the drive in the sunshine. The children come backwards and forwards showing me various bits and pieces and rushing off shrieking with laughter. I stay for half an hour and it was so worth the journey down. We exchange presents and wish each other Happy Christmases and as it has been said on so many of the Christmas cards I have received this year, wishes for a much safer and brigh