Tuesday 29th September 2020 Day 189
7.00 A text comes through in unison with my waking. It is from one of my daughters offering to pick up the groceries I was missing from yesterday. She is just on her way to work in a large technical community college, referred to as UCTC – it’s what we used to call a ‘school’ back in the day when everything wasn’t so complicated and referred to by abbreviation. Whoops, showing my age here, I am not really a grumpy old woman and I am all for progress but sometimes I just don’t get it.
9.30 I was all set to start sanding my newly acquired coffee table which I started on a week ago but it needs something meatier than the little hand held sander I was using. However it is raining so I will have to leave it for later and hope the weather clears so I can take it outside. In a way I feel I should leave it as it is, it is quite large and has been used by children; there are bits of paint and selotape and
several gouges and indelible pen writings, the corners are a little chewed too by puppy teeth, they are all the marks of lots of industry but not really what I need to see on a coffee table. It makes me think of the larder door in our last house where we recorded the heights of the children as they grew. I would have brought that door with me to this house if I could but had to be content with a photograph of it. Note: In the unlikely event I would be measuring the height of children again, just get a long pole which is transportable.
10.00 Our penultimate diet group zoom meeting. They want to stop zooming altogether and meet again in the hall, with strict rules of course. I think I don’t really need to be in a diet group any more, in fact I have felt like this for some time but I am sure I can trust myself to stay on the straight and narrow now, time will tell but I have managed it with the odd couple of blips for three years. We will form our own little band I think just for that bit of support.
11.00 Sarah, Audrey and I meet Janet up in the fields, the rain has gone and the sun is shining and warm, we see a lone deer who stands and stares at us before melting into the woods. Audrey doesn’t bat an eyelid, ball is the only thing on her mind at the moment. I have noticed she is getting a bit ‘smelly doggy’ just lately which is definitely not helped by the fact that she has just found fox droppings, wonderful to roll in apparently. Sarah offers to help with the bathing process when we get home. The ‘bath’ entails Sarah filling watering cans with warm water which are poured over her while we rub and scrub. We are thanked by vigorous shaking but actually I think she quite enjoyed it and the result is a lovely curly shiny coat, showing off her poodle connection. Worry admires her from the safety of the overturned kayak.
14.00 I take the table outside and with the newly purchased sander, set to work to remove the top surface. It is a very satisfying task and after an hour or so, while not looking as new, it does look a whole lot better and I don’t mind the odd battle scars that the sander couldn’t deal with.