Tuesday 18th May 2021 Day 370 7.30   Some welcome sunshine after an afternoon and evening of waterfall type rain 8.30  I am on the way down the garden with breakfast for a cat I am

Thursday 13th May 2021 Day 365 7.30   It’s raining and I have woken up after a night of incredibly vivid dreams which I think I can remember every detail about until I try to run

RIP Blue

Wednesday 21st April 2021 Day 343 10.30  Just finished our little slimming group zoom session. We all seem to continue to yo yo with our weight but not by anything significant, just a lb or

(written yesterday) 7.30   Blue cloudless sky, lots of sunshine and a little warmer today and second day of a little more freedom.  All very welcome indeed.  This time last year it was so hot that

Monday 5th April 2021 Day 377 7.30     I’m up and ready for my groceries this time, I have no intention of getting caught out like last week again and it’s bloomin’ freezing.  What a lovely

Caught Out

Wednesday 31st March 2021 7.30  Sunshine and the prospect of another warm day.  Yesterday was just brilliant, honestly what better therapy could there be after this dismal depressing winter, I know it’s not set to

Thursday 25th March 2021 Day 366 7.15  There is nothing quite like waking to sunshine streaming through the windows and this morning is just that, it even looks warm out there. It’s been a very