Thursday 3rd December 2020 Day 254 It’s raining it’s pouring, it’s grey and it’s cold.  Well I suppose it’s November and more the sort of weather we should expect. 9.30  I wish I had one

Antique Hat

Wednesday 2nd November 2020 Day 253 8.00    The news is that a vaccine has been fully ok’d and could come into use next week.  I hear that people are weeping with relief.  I wish I

To Clarify…..

Friday 27th November 2020 Day 248 7.00   I am awake and feeling good after a full night’s sleep.  How much do we under estimate the  effects of sleep deprivation, especially as we get older?  I

Wednesday 25th November 2020 Day 246 8.35    I woke at seven and decided to have half an hour lie in catching up with emails and I have to admit, words games.  Unfortunately when I next

Tuesday 24th November 2020 Day 245 6.30    The house phone rings which makes me jump into consciousness, my negative side thinking this must be bad news as it is so early.  Turns out to be

Monday 23rd November 2020 Day 244 6.45    Alarm call as it is Grocery day.  This has become one of my high lights of the week, how pathetic is that?  But as I often add after