Tuesday 3rd November Day 224 6.30   Rain bashing the window again and has woken me up, I thought it was supposed to be a better day today.  A quick look at the BBC weather on

Wednesday 28th October 2020 Day 218 8.15   Just couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed this morning, more grey skies, more rain, more Covid, more restraints, social calendar zero for the foreseeable, although actually

Monday 26th October Day 216 7.00  The clocks have gone back, or at least I have walked around the house putting all those that aren’t automatic back.  So really it is eight o clock, I

Tuesday 20th Octrober 2020 Day 210 6.45  I wake to my alarm ringing and a man’s voice talking about climbing in the Himalayas.  I had switched the radio on in the night and must have