Stormy Weather

Thursday 21st January 2021 Day 303 7.30   It seems that I was not the only one having a shower this morning and judging by the foot prints in the tray, I should imagine a shower


Friday 15th January 2021 Day 297 You know that saying ‘there’s always someone worse off than you’?  Well it’s never seemed more true than it does at the moment.  In the past few days I

A Good Soaking

Thursday 14th January 2021 Day 296 11.30     There is something rather delicious about getting home and into warm dry clothes  and grabbing a nice hot cup of coffee after going for a walk in the

Wednesday 13th January Day 295 9.20   I feel hungry this morning so a quick bowl of porridge before our slimming group meet up.  I don’t know where the time goes in the mornings, I was

A Hoar Frost

Monday 11th January 2021 Day 294 7.30    I suddenly remembered while languishing in bed with a crossword puzzle, that I have a grocery delivery coming between eight and nine, so instead of my usual sloth

Friday 8th January 2021 Day 290 9,15   Well the new routine has been a complete failure so far, I was going to go to bed at ten but somehow I just couldn’t and in the