Ever had the feeling you are being Watched?

Posted on December 8, 2020Comments Off on Ever had the feeling you are being Watched?

Tuesday 8th December 2020 Day 259

Last night our  ‘Local Ladies’ group met on line for the first time since the summer when we picnicked in Janet’s field.  It was such a tonic to catch up and have a lot of laughs and a bit of Christmas quiz with a few drinks thrown in of course.

8.30   MOT today, not me, the car.  I have just remembered that the boot is full of stuff and a grotty old shower curtain that Audrey sits on so I must go and clear it out.  I have managed to purchase some rogue cars in the past few years which have failed MOT’s quite spectacularly but this little beauty has passed with flying colours two years running.  Nevertheless, I am nervous, surely I can’t expect a third year with no problems?

9.00   I am at the garage and going to wait for the test.   I’ve been going to the same

garage for some years now so it is nice to catch up with Ru and exchange news.  Incredibly he has had the best year ever for work after having to furlough staff for only a short period at the beginning, it’s good to hear a success story in this difficult year.

10.00   And she has passed again, I am delighted, not one thing wrong.  I pay up and take my leave and then spend several minutes trying to unlock the car before I realise it is not my car, just similar, which seems to cause a lot of mirth from inside the garage while they watch but don’t tell.

It is that sort of cold today that gets right inside you and I just can’t get warm and although Audrey greets me as if I have been away for a couple of years when I get back, she is going to have to wait for the walk today because I am in the middle of a project that I need to get on with, I also need a hot cup of coffee and to get warmed up.

12.30    I give in to the pleadings and put on a couple of extra layers of clothes.  I am going to brave the muddy woods although I have now managed to slip over three times when I have been down there, it really is treacherous.  I found a suitable length piece of hazel which will serve for a walking stick but not look like one, so hopefully I will remain upright this morning and I do but the mud is just awful and I spend some time on Audrey’s paws when we get back as dogs can get a sort of foot rot if continually running about in those sort of conditions,

Tonight I am going to watch the new Vicar of Dibley episode which I missed last night.  I think it might be a bit sad as there will be reference to Emma Chambers who died much too young and Dawn French had to do seven takes of one scene because she couldn’t get through it, I guess it will be the true meaning of comedy;  funny/tragic .

16.00   Have you ever had the feeling you are being watched?  I do believe Audrey and Worry might be trying to tell me it is dinner time!

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