Flaming June

Posted on July 1, 2020Comments Off on Flaming June

Wednesday 1st July Day 99

6.50 ‘ Pinch punch first day of the month,’ I said to Worry on waking; she just stared at me for a moment and then went back to cleaning her left foot.

I had a rather surreal experience last night. About ten fifteen I remembered that I need some cash for when my eggs are delivered and I will need some for when I have my hair cut. A large pot of one and two P’s in the cupboard is all the ready cash I have left in the house. I decided to go there and then to the garage up the road because there wouldn’t be many people around. The road to the garage was eery, no other cars and patches of quite thick fog. I arrived at the garage, where there was only one car at one of the pumps and put my card in the brightly lit cash machine and nothing happened. I tried again, still nothing and when I asked inside, they said it doesn’t supply cash any more. So why light it up?

Well I might as well go on into Heathfield to the one remaining village bank. Not one car going either way on the way in and Heathfield completely deserted. It used to be quite busy still at that time of night with people getting last minute, after the pub, takeaways but last night zilch, just me, the street light and the fog. I half expected Dr. Watson and Sherlock to appear from a side road. I grabbed my money quickly and made for home.

13.30 Lunch, I am trying to eat as much salad bowl lettuce as I can because I hate to waste food but why I put quite so many plants in, I can’t imagine, I could probably supply the whole village. At least it is making me eat salad for my lunch every day. My open sandwiches (one piece of bread with salad on top) are getting taller and taller, anything I can think of to pile on, today it was bread, ham, lettuce, hummus, coleslaw, spring onions, pickled beetroot, watercress, cucumber, tomatoes. Even with a knife and fork, not the sort of thing you would want to tackle at the Palace!

It’s supposed to be raining on and off today but actually it has been sunny for the most part and the wind has died down a bit. Last night I had the fire I promised myself and had a nice cosy evening on 30th June!

17.05 We’ve just got back from our walk. Today Audrey met up with two very boisterous young Pointers. She had to tell them off a couple of times when the charging about got too much and then they all had a good play.