Monday 12th October 2020 Day 202
7.00 This weekend marked two hundred days since I began this diary and today we await Boris’ latest set of restrictions. Two hundred days and here we are waiting for more rules and regs to help us through. Let’s hope that whatever Boris is about to put in place will finally start to put the brakes on this invisible enemy, I’m afraid I’m not holding my breath.
8.25 My groceries are delivered and I discover that for the second time I have added things to this week’s order but must have forgotten to press confirm, resulting in only five items being delivered. I’m sure I can make something delicious with courgettes, carrots, fish, bananas and gin! Oh well, not the end of the world although to be honest the air was a little blue at my own inefficiency, lucky Audrey isn’t a parrot, prone to repeating what she hears.
9.25 My son is on his way to Heathrow to catch a flight to Munich where he will be working for the week, currently no quarantine restrictions either there or when he returns unless that changes today of course. He had to go by tube and has just sent me a photo of the Piccadilly tube train he is on, he is the only one in the carriage, no one on the platform and the litter free carriage is
positively sparkling clean. Incredibly eerie; it is not surprising that living in the countryside where nothing has obviously changed, makes us slightly complacent?
I hear on the news this morning that Covid 19 has accelerated the use of robots to replace human workers. And after Covid 19?
Ok enough gloom for a Monday.
15.00 I have never liked the electronic doorbell chimes I have, so I am running through the fifty or so choices I can change it to. Pretty uninspiring tunes actually, I could have Jingle Bells, or Happy Birthday or for some odd reason a bit of Beethoven’s 5th. There is a noise that sounds like someone knocking which rather defeats the object. After about thirty-three possible choices I begin to lose the will but the next time I press the button, it is the current ‘tune’ I am trying to change and Audrey who has evidently picked it out amongst all the other similar metallic sounds, starts barking as she thinks someone is at the door. I have changed it now, it will be interesting to see if she barks when someone rings it, that is to say the postman, the Amazon delivery person, or the egg lady who are pretty much my only visitors these days.
18.00 I have just come down from the office where I have been clearing paperwork from way back and finding charming drawings and paintings from my Grandchildren which I just cannot bring myself to consign to the bin. Strange how even bills, such as the purchases of cars and payments for holidays, vets bills from long departed pets and for my first kayak along the way, can feel quite emotive.