Lots of Veg, lots of Masks

Posted on July 24, 2020Comments Off on Lots of Veg, lots of Masks

Friday 24th July 2020 Day 122

4.20   I hope I’m not going to start waking up an hour earlier every few weeks, soon I won’t have to bother going to bed.  The ‘thinking’ starts so I switch on the radio and listen to Round the Horn, no subtleties there, just straight forward simple double entendres and a refreshing innocence but it never fails to make me laugh after I dread to think how many years.

5.35   I’ve just remembered the Sleep Shipping Forecast, it seemed to work last time so I’ll try it again.

7.00   Well that’s twice it’s worked now so I’ll start to believe in it.

Bed changing day today and seeing the corner of my mattress which Worry has been using as a scratching post, it might also be cat changing day

10.00  All chores done and a wander down the garden to water the greenhouse plants.  The veg patch is so full of vegetables now that there is no earth visible.  It never fails to amaze me; two months ago, a lot of weedy seedlings on bare earth and now a veritable jungle.

It seems I have another mystery plant growing.  What was planted from a packet of seeds with the picture of unmistakable green courgettes on it, has grown to enormous proportions and seems to be producing some sort of a squash.  Slightly annoying as I use a lot of courgettes and they usually last me well into late autumn.   Plenty of runner beans for dinner and I think I might dig up a few potatoes, there have been flowers on the plants for a while so I guess it’s the right time.

11.45  For a change from texting I am having a video call with my friend Ann in Spain.  It is nice to see her in her house where she is sheltering from temperatures about to reach the forties.  It seems the Covid cases in Spain are on the rise and

so they are back in semi lockdown, not as strict as before but masks now compulsory at all times when you step out of your house; you can eat outside at restaurants but you must still wear your mask between mouthfuls and anyone seen not wearing a mask will get an on the spot fine of 100 euros from a gun toting policeman.

Here of course we also have to wear masks from today but not necessarily as we leave the house, just if we are going food shopping or getting a takeaway, no need to wear them in a restaurant at all, aren’t we lucky??………oh and we could be fined if we don’t.

14.40   We are a bit late for our walk today and Audrey starts squealing way before we get to the road where we park.  We meet a man with a very smart grey and white Boxer dog on a short lead and wearing a lampshade over his head, (the dog that is!) of the sort provided by a vet, so I call Audrey back, although she can’t resist just going to say a quick ‘hello’.  Apparently, the dog is only six months old and has had to have some horrible operation on his eyebrow, hence the lampshade.  Audrey comes away on a second call.

On the walk today I come across three dog poo bags just dropped on the pathways, I can never work out why anyone would go to the trouble of picking it up and then just discard the whole thing which isn’t going to decompose for years 

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