Monday 13th July 2020 Day 111
7.00 The first word that comes to mind on waking is Dentist! I have an appointment this morning and I feel nervous about it. It is only for a routine check up and I am wondering why I didn’t just postpone it. However, knowing my dentist Tim, who is a one-man band anyway and has a surgery full of every latest technical gadget ever invented, I felt I should be safe.
7.45 I start to mow the lawn; I have a friend who may be coming today or next week. So I thought I would get the lawn done early just in case it’s today. The dew is surprisingly heavy today which makes it easier to see the stripes as I go. Just as I finish I get a text to say it will be next week which is fine as this week looks a bit dreary weather-wise.
9.30 I am putting away all the barbecue paraphernalia from last Friday, when with Wendy and Ken, we cooked sausages in the evening at Normans Bay. It was one of those perfect summer evenings, the clouds blew away and the sun came out. A nice bottle of red to accompany sausage in a bun and salad and marshmallows on sticks to finish with a cup of flask coffee. There was only a smattering of people there, some set up for a nights fishing, some in motor homes and camper vans staking their claims, I imagine, for a good beach spot in the morning.
10.45 The dreaded hour has arrived and I set off for the dentist feeling a bit nervous. I needn’t have worried, as true to my suspicions, Tim has installed at great expense, all sorts of special air sucking, cleaning and spraying aids after a whole lot of reading and investigation, in fact I decided I was probably safer there than I am at home. There was a new hygienist who was wearing a sort of Darth Vader looking mask and was from another country obviously, maybe Romanian? I don’t know but with the addition of the big black mask it was quite difficult to decipher what she was saying. As so often I was pleased with the way I have been caring for my teeth for the past six months and as so often, she patently didn’t agree and spent much time with hand tools, scraping away at every tooth in my head.
After that, into Tim’s ‘space lab’ full of all the new equipment, one of which looked like a giant submarine periscope. Luckily nothing further to be done so I hot footed it out of there, glad I wouldn’t have to repeat the visit for another six months when who knows where the world might be.
I hear that Mr. Gove doesn’t seem to think that we need to wear masks, I’m not sure where he found this piece of ‘expert’ advice, or whether it was just his own view but I only relate this because I heard from my friend in Murcia, Spain this morning, who said that as from today in Spain, everyone must wear a mask for the whole time they are outside their houses, including when in the car. Talk about opposing views but I know which one would make me feel a little more comfortable, even if uncomfortable in the wearing!