Wednesday 15th July 2020 Day 113
7.00 Looking like a reasonable day out there, a bit of sun coming through the curtains. Nothing planned for today, so no excuse not to get up and do boring chores, one of which is to wash the car which hasn’t been washed since March due to minimal use.
Looking out of the bathroom window I see that the water is just trickling out of the filter box and into the stream, from there it goes into the bigger pond and circulates round again, so there’s another job I’m going to need to do today as the filter system is so important in the summer especially when oxygen levels can be down. The new oxygenator is bubbling away nicely, so that should help.
12.30 It’s as if Audrey knows she has to lose weight, she hasn’t touched her biscuits today which is very unusual, more likely the reason is because of the flea and worm treatment which might be making her feel a bit off colour and taken her appetite away a bit. We’ll get out for a walk, that will cheer her up.
On the walk we meet a young dog, half Labrador, half Springer. I’m not sure how you connect those two to make a breed name ‘LabraSpring?’ ‘Springlab?’ They have the Labrador part in common and seem to get on really well and have a good romp for ten minutes or so while the ‘Sprabrador’s’ owner and I exchange pleasantries. Not once does Audrey let go of the ball she is still carrying in her mouth, I don’t think she has ever forgotten the day another dog ran off with her ball while out on a walk.
Today we will go through the buttercup field. Last time we went the grass was high but this time it has all been cut down for hay. There has been a notice on the gate as you go in, ever since I have been coming here, asking dog walkers to keep their dogs on the lead as there are ground nesting birds in the field, which I have always thought was fair enough, except that looking at the field now where a tractor and grass cutter has been all over it, no ground nesting bird would have half a chance of survival, perhaps they should rethink that notice?
17.45 Car washed, pond cleaned and house looking a bit better for a wash and brush up. I am going to meet a friend tomorrow somewhere on the coast. I don’t think there will be much sun but any chance to be near the sea is fine by me.