No go at the Vets, All go at the caravan

Posted on September 18, 2020Comments Off on No go at the Vets, All go at the caravan

Friday 18th September 2020 Day 178

6.45 I am straight out of bed and after a quick look for herons, I’m getting straight up. This morning Audrey has an appointment, to be weighed and a pre op appointment before she goes in to be spayed .

8.00 I take Audrey for a walk so she’s not too full of beans when we get to the vet at nine. After that we have a journey to do which will seem long for her.

8.55 I am sitting in the car outside the vets and as requested, phone to say we are here, they tell me to come to the front porch where the very nice young lady vet takes Audrey in as I see through the window and weighs her, fingers crossed the diet has worked, she is looking much trimmed. Then she tries to lead her into the surgery but A is having none of that and squirms and pulls. The vet comes out with a muzzle for me to apply and takes her back in. Then out she comes again and tells me it is absolutely hopeless, she was going wild with, well, terror I guess, though goodness knows why. So we have been deferred to early new year and she gave me a sedative to apply before returning. And just to make the whole thing a disaster it seems that my svelte like dog, isn’t, in fact she weighs slightly more than she did two months ago.
No use crying over spilt milk, we must away home and finish getting ready for the great caravan trip. Audrey at the last minute is coming too to see if a doggy holiday with her would be viable.

10.30 Janet arrives with cleaning paraphernalia and we set off for Almodington. The A27 is chocker with road works and traffic and a lot of the journey is at a crawl but we get there in the end and Robin pulls my caravan out from the open air storage. She looks pretty decrepit and grey, sitting amongst the long grass and we set to with buckets and mops. Janet does an amazing job on her and by far the lions share of the cleaning while I fiddle faddle with the electrics and make cups of tea in between a bit of cleaning. Audrey behaves impeccably considering she has to be tied up but she is a bit barky at people who have the audacity to walk past.
I am surprised at how many caravans there are here, it used to be five only in a little hedged off site but today there are quite a few more than that. I suppose it is the obvious way to have a holiday at this time, a kind of home from home.
It has been a beautiful day and quite hot but starts to get a bit chilly as the afternoon wears on. We finish and have a well earned cup of tea and sandwich
6.30 Janet takes her leave along with all the buckets and mops. I remember last year when Sarah came to help clean the van and stayed over and we went swimming. Kind friends who make an awful chore fun

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