No Kissing under the Mistletoe this Year

Posted on December 21, 2020Comments Off on No Kissing under the Mistletoe this Year

Monday 21st December 2020 Day 272

8.45    So it seems that I made the right decision in deciding to stay on my own for this Christmas.  How very sad for so many people.  Some will have piles of extra food they can’t get through and others who thought they were going to relatives, will have to scrimp.

Definitely a weekend to remember; Bill Bailey confounding everyone by winning Strictly Come Dancing and Boris driving a stake through the heart of any optimism for the window so many were looking forward to for Christmas, due to the worrying news that the virus is now out of control.

Added to all that ‘merriment’ the rain is pelting down outside and if anyone around here thinks we are going out in it, she has another think coming.

9.30   Our little slimming group meet, although really no one would ever know that was why we were meeting due the fact that there is so little reference to losing weight because we are all in the mood for a chat when we get together.  It will probably be after Christmas when we will all need the encouragement to lose a couple of pounds after all that turkey and goodies that we

won’t be able to resist, that’s when we will talk slimming.

10.00   Just time to whack the hoover over and tidy before my next meeting which is the Writer’s group, this will be our second get together.  Audrey is spoiling for a walk and doing the sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, staring at me pitifully ploy, which annoyingly will probably work if she does it for long enough. She has also gone on breakfast hunger strike so I feel even worse.

11.00   The writer’s get together on zoom and there is a new lady this morning. Little did I know at the start that I was going to be so disruptive, well not me exactly at the beginning.  One person is in mid flow reading her essay when Audrey hears the postman and as I have said on many occasions, she has a very loud bark.  I apologise to everyone after I have calmed her down and ten minutes later someone knocks on the door with a parcel and all hell is let loose again. How embarrassing.

11.55   I get a text from one of my daughters who needs to talk about her daughter who has a nasty dental infection which has got very much worse over the weekend and there has been absolutely no one to offer emergency help, including the local hospital due to the current situation.  I now disrupt the meeting again by saying that I am going to have to go.  They are nice about it but I do feel badly.

13.00   At last she finds a dental practice willing to help and not only that but they will remove the offending milk tooth later today.  Thank goodness.

13.30   I have finally been ground down and I put my coat on to the sounds of rapturous barks and off we go in the pouring rain, seeking out mud to be hosed off later.  It is a bumper year for mistletoe it seems, what a shame there won’t be much kissing under it this year!

So far I think I would give this Monday about three out of ten.

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