Off He Goes with a Trumpety Trump. Trump Trump Trump!

Posted on January 20, 2021Comments Off on Off He Goes with a Trumpety Trump. Trump Trump Trump!

Wednesday 20th January 2021 Day 302

Apologies to anyone who might have noticed I wasn’t there yesterday. Other things took over for the day, which by the time sorted, made it too late to start writing the Diary.

What a big day in history today as Donald Trump finally leaves the White House by helicopter with a small crowd of White House staff to wave him goodbye, their thoughts unknown.  While Joe Biden, the President elect, is to be inaugurated today.  Little wonder that many Americans are feeling a little edgy about how the day is going to pan out.

I have been thinking about all us oldies who will make up the majority of the vaccinated for a while to come.  I have this vision of night clubs, restaurants and theatres, full of frothy white haired ladies out on the town because really once you have had the vaccination, the only people you will be able to mix with safely are other people who have had it as well, I must just add that personally I do not come into the frothy white haired brigade just yet and anyway they seem to have forgotten me for a jab while my friends keep contacting me with news that they have had theirs.

11.00   If it weren’t for the fact that I had to leave Audrey for several hours yesterday, I think I would not be going for a walk on this cold, stormy and rainy day but as it is, I think I have no choice, so on with the warm and rainy weather gear and we walk up the narrow pavement towards the fields while the many cars that go by play  ‘how close in can we get to that puddle she’s walking by?’ and I have to say several of them are pretty skilful.  The fields are the wettest I have known and Audrey soon gains a muddy dripping beard when she dives after the ball.  The only evidence of deer today are the crisscrossing narrow paths they have made towards the woods.

Today has a real Sunday feeling about it and it would be so nice to be writing some happy news but the days just seem to meld into each other at the moment.  Roll on Spring with the return of bluebells, some warmth in the sun and hopefully the numbers of Covid cases dropping to the point where we can see some light at the end of this long tunnel.

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