Tuesday 2nd March 2021 Day 344 7.45    Another sunny blue sky day.  What an incredible difference it makes to everything and unbelievably I still have the bit between my teeth and am getting on with

Time to Reflect

Thursday 25th February 2021 Day 338 6.45   I am waking early these mornings as it gets light so much earlier and looking out of my window I see the first Camelia flower has appeared on

Sunday 21st February 2021 Many years ago there was an advert on television advertising Flash floor cleaner, the screen split and there was Mrs Spick and Span with her mop and bright bucket with the

Road Closed?

6.15    An early start today as I have made myself an appointment for ‘The Jab’ which seems to be the used name for the vaccination against Corona virus.  I am going to Ticehurst which was


Thursday 11th February 2021 Day 324 5.30   I left the heating on low last night and judging by how cold my bedroom feels, it was probably just as well.  I am in half a mind

Wednesday 3rd February 2021 Day 316 How very sad and unfair it seems that our Captain Tom should have succumbed to the very thing that made him a household name.  This virus certainly doesn’t take