Thursday 7th January 2021 Day 290 6.45   I have woken right up so I’m not going to dawdle in bed and I have taken this moment to decide on a whole new routine.  Getting to

Mud Sledging

Wednesday 6th January 2021 Day 288 7.45   I have just heard an interesting fact on the radio; John Logie Baird who we know as the inventor of television, for which I am sure we are

Friday 1st January 2021 Day 283 There is always that air of optimism at the beginning of a new year, a new canvas to paint, a new chance to achieve, maybe the things you were

Happy Christmas

Thursday 24th December 2020 Day 275 First of all apologies for the odd paragraph yesterday, more haste less speed!  Now corrected. So here we are at Christmas Eve 2020, the most strange Christmas in most

Wednesday 23rd January 2020 Day 274 9.15  I woke up twice in the night because I had left the radio on.  While it helps to get me to sleep in the first place, it then

The Shoot

Tuesday 22nd December Day 273 7.30   How do these early morning radio presenters always manage to sound so jolly and optimistic morning after morning?  Don’t they ever wake up feeling irritable, cross or sad?  I

Friday 18th December 2020 Day 269 9.00   This is the first day this week I haven’t had to drive anywhere so I can get on with some Christmassy bits. I tried again with Audrey’s foot