
Thursday 17th December 2020 Day 268 8.05  Oh Joy! what a good start to the day.  I am driving to the surgery for a routine test and as I round the corner where the signs

Wednesday 16th December 2020 Day 267 9.30  Another sunny morning although it looks a bit chilly out there.  We are getting ready for an early walk this morning as I am going East Grinstead way

Tuesday 15th December 2020 Day 266 9.20    Our little slimming group in ten minutes.  I find if I have something organised for a particular time, I can really get on with all those routine boring

Lost Keys

Friday 11th December 2020 Day 262 I remembered as I was heading for bed at midnight last night, that I hadn’t put the dustbin out, that was when I discovered that I couldn’t find my

Wednesday 9th December 2020 Day 260 6.45   I am up ridiculously early for me.  I mean properly up dressed and ready for the day and I have just discovered a problem.  The hot water upstairs

Friday 5th December 2020 Day 256 10.30   Somehow it has got to this time and I seem to have achieved practically nothing other than several phone calls. Today four years ago Audrey arrived in the