Tuesday 27th October 2020 Day 217
6.30 It must be the lighter mornings waking me up earlier than usual, although lighter is a bit of a euphemism this morning as it is pelting with rain again and the sky is pretty black. The forecast looks pretty grim for the whole day so I will have to pick my moment to take Audrey out. I am going to write out a timetable of the things I want to achieve in the house today.
7.00 I go into the kitchen to make the morning cup of tea and open the back door for Audrey who, if she had the benefit of speech, would clearly be saying “Are you kidding me? Do you seriously expect me to go out in that rain? Would you?” She then lies down and rolls over expecting me to tickle her tummy.
11.30 The only thing I have done from my timetable so far is hoovered. The bit of spring cleaning the lounge and carrying on throwing away irrelevant paperwork, plus doing some admin, has all been shelved due to several phone calls, a trip to pick up anti flea and worm stuff from the vet and a message from a friend saying her son has just tested positive for Covid, this is the first case where someone I actually know has the virus. Luckily he appears to have a mild case although his main symptoms are that he feels stiff and very tired.
13.00 Audrey still hasn’t been out to do what she needs to in the garden, so I open the door and tell her in my sternest voice to go. She point blank refuses, so I get physically hold of her and virtually drag her outside. She turns on her ‘beaten up cur’ stance and when I close the door just sits outside on the mat until her ears are dripping with water from the rain and she is blinking the rain away from her eyes. She has no intention of doing anything else. So it is on with the hat and coat and wellies and a walk down the garden (probably more of a stomp actually) whereupon she squats straight away for ages as she must have been bursting. Dogs! Who’d have ‘em?
14.30 It’s still raining relentlessly and I still haven’t done a whole lot but now I am starting to say tomorrow will do. I want to get on with my knitting anyway, having decided to start all over again last night because all the mistakes I could see and decided to ignore, won’t let me. I am still very determined not to let this Aron business beat me.
17.00 It’s dark already and we haven’t been for a walk, just some ball throwing down the garden, we’ll go tomorrow morning, I am going to light a nice fire and restart the knitting