Friday 15th January 2021 Day 297
You know that saying ‘there’s always someone worse off than you’? Well it’s never seemed more true than it does at the moment. In the past few days I find I have several friends going down with this dreadful virus. Two of them are Practice nurses who contracted it last week and today a text from my friend/hairdresser who has been very ill but thankfully is now very slowly on the mend. I don’t mind admitting that I get a little more nervous each day, it seems that however careful you are, the relentless enemy is out there waiting to catch you in its grip.
11.10 It has been another of those mornings when other things have taken over and my list of things to do, remains uncrossed out on the table so I am going to give in to it and we are going for a long ramble this morning and take in some roads where at least I can do a bit of a route march as against picking my way carefully from one muddy swamp to another. The other advantage of road walking of course, is that it keeps the claws pared down a bit (Audrey’s not mine).
I hardly need have bothered with the lead on the road as we only saw one car with an elderly lady inside who didn’t seem to be driving much faster than we were walking; I wonder where she was off to? Maybe to get her vaccine.
Of course we had to enter the woods and the mud at some point in our circular walk so that by the time we got back Audrey was absolutely caked, as usual and out came the hose, as usual. The sun has finally peeped out now, a bit watery but adding a bit of brightness to things.
My friend Lyn who lives on the tip of the Cornish peninsula, messaged me last night, she has noticed that there hasn’t been mention of Worry lately and was enquiring after her well being.
Well Worry is fine, sleeping a great deal of the day and putting weight on this winter, there certainly feels like quite a lot of cat when I pick her up which is probably why I found her sitting on my bathroom scales this morning, I expect she was just checking. She knows perfectly well now that Audrey is not a big black bear waiting to eat her but she likes to pretend she’s terrified sometimes and stalks around the edge of the room waiting to take flight should it be necessary. Best of all she like to taunt. If I am sitting on the sofa to have my meal, she will come and sit on the arm, as close as she can to me without being told to clear off and poor Audrey gets so jealous and terrified that she is going to get a bit of my food, that she has to resort to rushing off and bringing all her toys in for me. Worry doesn’t get food and usually in the end I have to tell them both to push off.