Thursday 6th August 2020 Day 135
7.00 Strangely last night, even though I was very tired after the expedition up the river, I just could not get to sleep till well after two but I have woken feeling fine and awake and no aches and pains which is a surprise as that was the most strenuous exercise I have done for many months.
9.30 I am obviously more tired than I thought because I am doing everything at snails’ pace today , although to be fair, I have had a bombardment of texts and emails that needed answering as well.
I couldn’t face the washing everything down last night so I am doing it this morning. The bottom of my kayak is absolutely caked in mud, it’s sticking like dried clay. Luckily the kayak fits in the car upside down so the mud wasn’t touching anything, although the car is still pretty muddy.
10.15 Just as I have the entire patio strewn with stuff, I hear the side gate go and Audrey starts barking, although in a friendly way and round the corner comes Eddie who I booked to service the boiler and completely forgot, which meant I forgot to move the piles of stuff I chuck into the boiler room ‘for now’ but I rarely remember to sort. So now the patio is
looking like Steptoe’s yard. Eddie is a jovial guy and doesn’t mind at all, he is into canals and finding old forgotten ones and he can always tell me of another stretch of water that I haven’t known about.
12.00 I have decided that any ideas of gardening will have to be on hold today a) I have just realised that I am in fact feeling tired and b) It’s too bloomin hot, it will be enough sorting the boiler room and yesterdays mess.
13.30 Yvonne has sent me the pictures she took of me just after my close encounter in the mud slurry yesterday, it’s not a pretty sight! Other pics too, nice ones, of our trip.
14.35 I step onto the lawn and see to my horror, one of my largest fish, lying on the grass, very dead. I am so sorry that I didn’t catch sight of it in time to put it back but it was obscured from view behind a lavender plant. There is no doubt that it is dead; the fish do jump for flies sometimes, even though there is netting over the pond but here and there are holes in the netting and by bad luck it must have jumped through one of those.
19.50 The heat has been quite intense today. I haven’t achieved a lot so I will go now to do a little tidying on the vegetable patch. It is the first day in ages that I haven’t taken Audrey for a walk but neither has she asked which I think is very sensible of her