Thursday 30th July 2020 Day 28
6.45 Got to get up early this morning for my routine blood test at the surgery which seems to have come round very quickly. Time seems to be all over the place these days, some things seem like they happened only days ago, while others that actually did happen a while ago seem more recent.
This morning I have woken with something very much on my mind which also occupied me a lot through the night. My son in law showed me an article of news last night regarding ‘Mystery packs of seeds’ being received all over America and here as well. There were pictures of the packets which were exactly like the ones I received a month or so back which I have talked about several times in the diary.
It would seem these seeds may have been coming over from China completely unchecked and anyone receiving them should absolutely NOT plant them but report them to the Government plant agency straight away!
Oh dear! Not only did I plant them but the ones that turned into heavily fruiting cucumber plants, are now fully mature and I have eaten cucumbers from them, so I feel more than a little concerned and will contact the agency a
bit later.
8.45 My appointment at the surgery. I wear a regulation mask and am let in by the usual intercom system although no temperature taken. The waiting room is even more sparse than last time reminding me of musical chairs as each time I attend there are fewer chairs, in fact down to two today. As usual I am the only patient here. There is only one person in reception this time as well.
9.30 I phone the plant agency and after all the ‘press one for this and two for that’ etc I am put through to the department where a recorded voice tells me ‘You ….are…..the…..first person….in the queue’. Oh, good I think, I’m first in queue. Then a recorded message ‘Your call is progressing through the queue and will be answered as soon as possible’ which is interesting if I am first in the queue. The recordings start over another eight times before I can hear the sound of the phone ringing, it rings and rings and then I am told that there is no one there to answer my call. I found an email address but I don’t hold out much hope and I’m really hoping I’m not going to turn into a cucumber in the meantime.
18.00 My eldest has asked if I would like to join her and family down at Pevensey for an evening swim. It has been a very hot day today and the temperature is still over twenty-five degrees. The sea is definitely not twenty-five degrees but the painful effort of getting in is worth it in the end and we spend a pleasant twenty minutes in the water.