Sleep Slip .. Silver Bells and Cockle Shells

Posted on August 24, 2020Comments Off on Sleep Slip .. Silver Bells and Cockle Shells

Monday 24th August 2020 Day 153

7.00   I wake suddenly after deep sleep and shudder at the thought of what happened last night.

It was a long day, helping my friend to move. Started early, finished late.  Moving is always strenuous and tiring and this was no exception but it all happened and I was driving home late.  I started to feel very tired, stretching my eyes, opening the windows, turning up the radio and then suddenly I felt the steering wheel twitch under my hands.  Thank goodness instinct jumped in straight away because I realised, I had actually dropped off for a moment at seventy miles an hour on the dual carriage way.  I got a picture in my mind of the big notices you used to see on roads. Tiredness Kills Take a Break.  I was very lucky and if I feel that tired again, I won’t kid myself, I’ll stop.

The cat we were trying to catch, was easily caught in the end.  He had obviously got bored with hiding in the hedge and my friend found him peacefully asleep curled up in the utility room.  He has joined his brother in their new home now, the reunion was quite touching, they had never been apart before.

7.45  I am really hoping that Audrey will be better today but I see she is not.  Yesterday while she was eating her breakfast, I noticed that she was standing on three legs, it seemed that she couldn’t put her foot to the ground without pain.  I got her to lie down and roll over as I do if she gets a thorn in one of her pads, so I could take it out with tweezers at the ready but this time she wasn’t having any of it, she wouldn’t let me near her foot and no amount of coaxing made any difference.  It’s odd because sometimes she walks on all four and then up goes the back leg again and she is hobbling on three legs.  We haven’t walked for two days and she is not asking to go, it may just be a strain of some sort but I may decide on the vet tomorrow.

9.20  My groceries arrive late; they were supposed to be delivered between eight and nine.  I’m not going to make a fuss about it but I do mention the fact to the lady delivering whose vehicle is nowhere to be seen. She has parked somewhere up the road apparently when she could perfectly well have come into my drive.  Her reply is not quite what I expect “Never mind love, you’ve got it now”  she then tells me she has only been doing the job for three days, I’m surprised she has lasted that long in the light of that reply but I thank her and she leaves.

 I was admiring a young friends garden earlier.  I think the idea still prevails that ‘the Man’ grows the veg and ‘the Woman’ grows the pretty flowers.  Not so in this case, her partner has spent all his free hours since lockdown, growing flowers from seed and making a very lovely garden.

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