Friday 5th December 2020 Day 256
10.30 Somehow it has got to this time and I seem to have achieved practically nothing other than several phone calls.
Today four years ago Audrey arrived in the family chosen by my daughter. She was full of mischief and fun and her favourite occupation was pinching children’s socks from the laundry and asking to be chased. She still does that occasionally during one of her ‘mad half hours.’ She has grown into such an endearing animal, her only fault, which of course she can’t help, is her very loud voice which she has been airing quite a lot just lately as I have had quite a lot of deliveries. At least I feel perfectly safe in the house as I don’t think any unwanted visitor would want to risk that bark which I know but they don’t, is all just hot air.
I have just had a peep into the Irish Post as I do from time to time and I see that a study shows that drinking hot chocolate can make you more intelligent. Well I am all for that, hot chocolate is definitely being added to
my shopping list. If only I had known that years ago, I could be heading up Mensa by now and not feeling guilty every time I even think of the word chocolate.
11.30 Time to stop prevaricating and go walking which I really don’t fancy doing at all this morning, it’s a better day than yesterday as in it isn’t raining but it is still damp and cold and I just don’t feel like it but we go anyway of course and Audrey gets so muddy that she almost becomes camouflaged, even her face, where she has dived for the ball and got splashed, is dripping with mud. We go and inspect the dam that Bill and I unblocked a few weeks back and after all the rain we have had the water is flooding through nicely so I take a picture and send it for Bill to see as he is at home poorly today. He is delighted with the pics and hopes we can go again soon to do a bit more work downstream. So it is another hose down when we get back followed by a good old rub with the towel before we come back indoors.
4.00 I have decided that tonight I am going to have a roast, I haven’t been bothered to cook anything interesting for a while so I’m having roast chicken and roast potatoes, accompanied of course by a mug of hot chocolate, for the intelligence.