Friday 2nd October 2020 Day 192
7.20 It’s so dark in the mornings now and I can hear the rain beating outside. This being the start of lots of rainy days to come but I am feeling invigorated and full of enthusiasm for getting on with all those jobs I set out to do in March and am now embarrassed to say, most of which didn’t get done. I think the enthusiasm has risen from the fact that faced with the climate both physically and weatherwise, there are only two ways to go, up or down and I certainly don’t want to do the latter. Gone is the list as long as your arm which could not possibly be achieved in a fortnight never mind a day. It is replaced by what I feel I can achieve today.
10.45 Audrey and I stand at the back door trying to gauge the weather, well I do really, Audrey couldn’t care less whether it’s raining snowing or blowing a hurricane, I don’t really share those views. We think we will dodge the rain by walking now but of course half way round there is a
deluge and we get completely soaked through and cold, so it is home and turn the heating on to thaw us out.
12.30 I have to be honest and say that the energy has waned a bit although I have achieved a few of the jobs I set out to do and have made a couple of those phone calls that have been sitting in the back of my mind and I keep not doing but it’s too early to stop doing anything so I am gathering together piles of books and DVDs to take to the charity shop and have put together a slow cook chicken dish for my supper.
The big news today is that Donald and Melania Trump have contracted the Corona virus, it seems that swallowing quinine tablets didn’t quite do it for them after all and with the election only a month away they are both in quarantine. Apparently sources at the White house are saying that this could work in Trump’s favour, very optimistic of them but difficult to see how.
Yesterday on our walk from Maresfield past the beautiful Powder Mills estate, we passed the milky green lakes once used by the mill in the process of making gunpowder, now a pastoral scene and home to swans. Looking at the history on line today I discover that gunpowder was made all over East Sussex from Battle to Fletching. A flourishing but grim rural industry.