Thursday 15th October 2020 Day 205
7.00 Must get up, a load of logs will be arriving early this morning which will need to be stacked before the next lot of rain. It is raining a little at the moment but I can see the sun peeping through somewhere.
I have decided not to listen to the news this morning, not ostriching exactly but as I am sure we all are, feeling very sated with it. I will listen later and for the moment I am going to listen to some classical music and try to sort my knitting with a fresh mind.
8.30 The logs have arrived, I will sort them in a bit but for now I am sitting on the sofa with the knitting pattern and feeling strangely guilty to be doing something like this at this time of the day. Knitting is for the evening, morning is for other more active stuff in my mind, how programmed we are.
9.15 I think I have sorted the knitting, I cannot grasp how to handle the cable needle, it seems you need another pair of hands at least. Well to be honest what I mean by ‘sorted’, is that I have undone it all and will start again later but this time with a better knowledge of the pattern I hope.
I walk into the kitchen and glance out of the door, there is the heron on the far side of the pond standing under the apple tree but there also is Worry sitting on the patio, they appear to be staring each other out, then the heron sees me
and flies off. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t happened to walk by at that time. Worry certainly looked interested.
10.30 The sun is shining and the sky is summer blue as we head up to the fields this morning with the ball. The grass is shorter now and as we go round we see little areas of flattened grass where the deer herds have been lying very recently, I hope we didn’t scare them away. We will have to be careful soon and not walk too close to the woods boundary. The rutting season will soon be in full swing and we don’t want to aggravate an ardent stag when he is barking and making that strange whistling noise they make. I remember a few years ago when my youngest daughter was at Kingston University and we did a walk together one autumn for WWW fund across Richmond park where there are fallow and red deer. It was only as we were about to start out that one of the marshalls told us to be very careful because the huge red deer in particular, get very bad tempered in the rutting season and could attack us. It somehow took the gilt off the walk.
14.30 The logs are all neatly stacked, ready for the winter in the log store, I shall look forward to cosy winter evenings by the fire with Audrey snoring at my feet.