Wed 29th July 2020 Day 129
7.00 I drank wine last night for the first time in ages, possibly one glass too many and I have woken feeling woozy headed and remembering why I never over imbibe these days.
9.00 Considering the woozy head, I have actually got up and moving quite quickly this morning. I wish I was one of those people who could actually say ‘I don’t know what to do with myself, I’m so bored.’ Maybe I’m just inefficient but I always seem to have a list as long as my arm, both of things I really must do and things I would really like to do if only I ever had the time. Well maybe I wouldn’t like to be bored, I just wish I didn’t seem to have to keep adding to the list.
I stayed far too long at the Hansel and Gretel house yesterday afternoon and while I was there, I witnessed a very sad moment when one of the young deer died after Chris had done everything he possibly could for it and I decided that the word I used about him yesterday ‘pragmatic’, doesn’t actually fit. He feels deeply for every one of those deer and we are talking hundreds over the years but faces the worst moments very bravely.
Chris and Sylvia also have the most enormous wild rabbits I have ever seen in their very large garden, who lie happily sunbathing in the middle of the lawn oblivious, it seems, to the people around them. We had a glass of wine and some of the resident ‘mended’ deer strolled around us. Indoors were two fawns, one ready to move on to another foster home until a little older when he could be released, the other one still needing much nursing.
11.30 The post arrives; you’ve never seen letters come through a letterbox so quickly as they do when there is a large dog barking on the inside! I decided that having bothered to paint the front door, perhaps I should get some new door furniture for it. The new house number has arrived, which would have been great but unfortunately it was the wrong number! Now I have all the rigmarole of returning it but Good old Amazon, apparently, they have lockers outside my local garage so I can just go and pop it in one of those while they send me the correct number.
16.50 A late walk in Etchingham looking for a suitable place for the Pooh stick boats but not finding one with one daughter
19.30 To my other daughter to collect a couple of groceries she kindly got me and a nice glass of cold wine in the garden.
Home now for fishcakes and cauliflower cheese